English - 中級英語勉強会にてトレーニングをしたビジネス英語表現の一部です。
英語ミーティング(CD付) 英語のミーティングで積極的に発言するため戦略。
■英語で意見を論理的に述べる技術とトレーニング アーギュメント能力を高める。
Let's get started.
If we are all here, shall we get started?
〜, let’s start the meeting.
I’d like to begin our meeting.
Thank you for making the time to join us today.
coming to our meeting.
I apologize for the late start.
Please join me in welcoming (Mr. Sato)
I'd like to introduce (Mr. Sato)
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (Mr. Sato)
As some of you are meeting here for the first time, I’d like to
begin by introducing each participant’s name and affiliation.
(Mr. Sato) can not be with us today, because ...
We’re here today to discuss the marketing plan.
Our main aim today is to ...
The purpose of this meeting is to ...
I'd like to make sure that we ...
Let me outline the agenda, first.
There are 4 items on the agenda.First, ... second, ... third, ...
lastly, ...
Have you all received a copy of the agenda.
I suggest we take item three last.
We'll have to keep each item to 15 minutes.
The meeting is due to finish at 5:00pm.
We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed
by a discussion of...
There will be five minutes for each item.
Mr. Sato will be taking minutes today.
The refreshments are at the back of this room. Please feel free
to help yourself.
Let's start with the first item.
So, the first item on the agenda is...
Why don't we start with...
(Mr. Sato), would you like to kick off?
I think that covers the first item.
Is there anything else to comment on the first point?
Shall we leave that item?
If nobody has anything else to add, lets go onto the next item.
Let’s wrap this up.
Is there any other points?
If there are no other comments, I'd like to finish the meeting .
Right, it looks like we've covered the main items.
The meeting is adjourned. (フォーマルな場合)
On behalf of ABC Inc., I thank you all for attending the meeting.
Thank you all for your contribution.
I'd like to thank Matt and Chris for coming over from San Francisco.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback.
■ミーティングの参加者側の英語表現 |
Excuse me for interrupting.
Sorry to jump in.
May I have a word?
If I may, I think that ...
I agree with you.
I see what you mean, but…
Up to a point I agree with you, but…
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
Sorry. Could you say that again?
Could you go over that again?
Sorry, but what did you just say?
I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
Are you talking about (the marketing plan)?
You mean (the marketing plan)?
Could you elaborate on that?
Could you go into more details about that?
Could you explain how that is going to work?
I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details?
I understand that you agree to the conditions.
Do you mean that…?
Can I just confirm that I understand?
Let me make sure if I understand you correctly.
You might want to talk to the manager.
I wonder if you have thought of talking to ….
Why don’t we do this. You will talk to the manager and …
How about talking to the manager?
英語ミーティング(CD付) 英語のミーティングで積極的に発言するため戦略。
■英語で意見を論理的に述べる技術とトレーニング アーギュメント能力を高める。