English - 中級英語勉強会にてトレーニングをしたプレゼンの英語表現の一部です。
- 外国語広場エッセー
プレゼンテーション編―50の超シンプル表現だけで乗り切れる! (CD付き)
Shall we get started?
Hi. My name is Ken Yamada. I am the marketing manager at ABC Inc.
First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here today.
Thank you for making the time to join us today.
I’m going to talk about the Japanese market.
The purpose of my presentation is to …
Today’s presentation is about…
What I’d like to talk about today is …
I'd briefly like to take you through today's presentation.
First, we're going to ...
After that, we'll be taking a look at ...
Finally, I'll outline what ...
Please feel free to interrupt me with any questions you may have
during the presentation.
Feel free to ask any questions at any time.
I'd like to ask you to keep any questions you may have for the end
of the presentation.
Please hold all questions till the end.
First of all, I’d like to look at our sales number.
Let me begin by explaining …
First I want to talk about...
Let's take a look at our performance of the last quarter first.
Let's move onto the next point.
Now I want to talk about...
Now let’s turn to the question of…
The next point I’d like to bring up is…
Let’s take a look at the next chart.
This graph tells us that…
As you can see from this graph ...
Looking at the slide we can see that ...
Let the pictures speak for themselves..
Before we finish, let’s go over the main points again.
Why don’t we go over the action items again?
So in summary,…
In conclusion, …
This brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening.
Does anyone have any questions?
Are there any questions?
I’d be happy to respond to any questions or comments you might have.
I think that's about it. I'd like to thank you all for coming today.
Do you have any questions?
We have a few minutes for questions.
Thank you for your question.
I’m glad you asked me that.
That’s an excellent question.
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure…
I’m afraid I just don’t know the answer.
Let me get back to you later.
Let’s talk later.
I have some good information about that. Let me send it to you later.
Let me talk to you individually after the session.
We’ll be getting to that in just a sec.
Sorry. Could you say that again?
I couldn’t hear you very well.
Sorry. I’m not sure if I understand your question.
Let me make sure I understand. You mean…?
Let me put that another way.
To put it another way,…
What I’m trying to say is …
Simply put… / To put it simply…
(簡単に言うと…, 要は…)
There are three reasons why…
What’s your thought on this?
My guess is that …
I’m convinced that… / I’m sure that…
I’m aware that …
Absolutely !
Definitely !
As you may know,
In other words, / To put it differently,
In a nutshell, / In short,
In most cases,
In comparison,
Generally speaking,
Frankly speaking,
Having said that, / With that said, / That said,
- 外国語広場エッセー
プレゼンテーション編―50の超シンプル表現だけで乗り切れる! (CD付き)